Dynamite Month
Friends and fans new and old, thank you for making the LACKADAISY pilot explode (in a good way!). In the first two days, we received 2 million views and now almost a month in, we’re at 7.5 million and counting. We quite literally could not have made these numbers without you not only watching but sharing the pilot with your friends and loved ones. Thank you.
The Lackadaisy train is still rolling along. On April 29th 10 am PT / 1 pm ET, we have a Streamily Q&A and signing event scheduled with the one and only Saberspark. You can watch it on Saberspark’s Twitch channel.

Following this, on the same day, we’ll host a signing event featuring the cast of the film at 3pm PT / 6pm ET on the Lackadaisy YouTube channel.
Club Chevron and Three of Clubs pins are up for preorder on the Iron Circus store. You can preorder either or both for $15 USD each.
And if you missed it, we also had our latest Shop Talk with Matthew Gafford AKA Fredryk Phox, creator of a Fox in Space. I think I speak for everyone when I say, “Oh dang he really sounds like Wolf O’Donnell. That’s just his voice!”
Truly, we are still reeling from the attention we’ve been getting. I’ve been speaking with crew all month and everyone’s been just kind of processing it. Thank you so much! Hope to see you Saturday! :3