The Shot Glass with Class
How would you like to live the prohibition dream? No, I’m not talking about inventing new cocktails to hide the taste of bathtub gin (look it up! There was literally a drink called the “Bee’s Knees” which did just that) or inventing new car maneuvers to escape the police (also look up Junior Johnson for a wild bit of American history).
I’m talking about becoming a part of the Little Daisy itself with our upcoming shot glasses (smoky basement and live jazz band not included).
Just to be clear, these are not for sale yet. These are just the tester glasses, but they’ve been approved and are ready for large-scale production. So, a toast to all you, our fans.
Speaking of stuff in progress… last week, we uploaded clips of some of the rough animation from the first half of the film. If you missed it, please enjoy. If you didn’t, enjoy again!
That Mordecai shot though
And we do also have a close look at some of the stars of the show. First, the tommy gun…

And then everyone else.
Character vehicle proportions
Last but not least, we also uploaded another Shop Talk recently. This time, with Toniko Pantoja who did character designs for Netflix’s Kipo and the Age of the Wonderbeasts. He also did that adorable animation of the dogs dancing to MMMBop by Hanson that went viral on Instagram. Anyone who draws pugs that cute is the talent I want to see.
Shop Talk with Toniko Pantoja
Lest I forget, we do have a donation jar set up for those of you who are so kind. The donations go toward our final animated music video goal. You can also buy a bunch of shot glasses when they’re released. I don’t judge.