Fun with Roark and Calvin
Hi, friends! Today we’re just doing a very simple devlog just to showcase some of the hard work our animators have been doing. No fluff. Nothing extra. Just a regular devlog and some in-progress shots.

See Roark and Calvin.
See Roark Run.

Run Roark Run.
Funny, funny Roark.
Funny, funny Calvin.

Look, Ivy.
Look, look.

See Roark and Calvin.
See, See.
Oh, see.
Okay. So that’s it! We’re back on track with the animation updates. No more fan content. Can’t get a fan anything out of me…
*leans in close*
Okay, so, listen.
I got some primo fan content. It’s Russian and the costumes are… *chef’s kiss*
Thank you, Clementine_C, for uploading this amazing production!
Oh, and set a reminder for our next Shop Talk with Toniko Pantoja. It goes live Saturday, September 5th, 6:30 PDT. It’s dramatic murder cats meets cute, dancing puppies! Don’t miss it!
And thank you, everyone who’s been part of this amazing community. All the animators here are amazing and wonderful and we’d like to give them some more work to do after the film is done. One way to do this is by funding our FINAL stretch goal, which we are still trying to reach. It’s for a music video featuring not only the music of Sepiatonic but also animation from our team!
Please consider donating to support these amazing artists.