Pride and Fan Artists
To my noble and true friends of the wisest counsel,
I lie here, exhausted from the events of the year. Even the members of my estate and this new pink Scandinavian bedding [Author Note: I bought some sheets from Ikea] cannot temper my dark mood. As such, I have taken to bed with the vapours. The only thing that can elevate me is to look upon your artistry and the creative force which burns in you like a fever. Though I hope your process does not contain such verisimilitude that a real fever emerges upon your brow. Your propensity for cat illustrations is my only hope in recovering from my ailment, my dearest friends.
You read my words correctly, dearest friends. The visiting doctor has informed me that my only cure for my ailment… is Lackadaisy fan art.

That is… not really what I meant. Perhaps the delirium has affected my fragile state.
Now I know I must be mad.

As I roll about in my sweat-soaked Scandinavian bedding, I dream of good old Sedgewick Alastair Sable…

…but for the fact that he was a total weeb…

…and that everyone was playing cards together. It was a quaint game the yeomanry love what goes by the name of “Uno.”

I recall Wick referred to Mitzi as his “alcohol waifu” at one point. Surely this was the madness of my plague-ridden mind.

Friends, as my sanity leaves me, could you perhaps send me fluff? In this way, I can at least be comfortable as I battle the infirmity which grips me.
Pastel world

Ah, yes. I can already feel my spirits lifting.
In the words of Snoop of the illustrious Dogg house, “This the cutest shit I’ve ever seen.”

How did this artist predict Viktor and Freckle would get into an altercation off-screen? I am simply overwhelmed with the prescient talent on display.
Perhaps a few more artistic interpretations? I can feel my strength returning to my aristocratic baby arms.

So much art! I couldn’t even post it all! But friends, you have cured me! What can I do to repay you? Perhaps it’s time we kept a promise made to you long ago, when you donated to our business venture.
From the fluid pen of @kazoodlekatdood comes our long-awaited emoji pack!
Pay-what-you-want. All proceeds go toward paying the team and funding the project.
Of course, you are more than welcome to donate further to Lackadaisy. We are, after all, still raising funds for an animated music video. Wish us godspeed and toss a coin to your (animated) feature.
I shall see you again as the resting feline unknowingly smiles upon twilight’s first rays.
Yours affectionately,
Clint the P. A.