Comic Dubs and Cat Bodies
Now that we’ve got a lot of the groundwork almost laid out, this week we have begun tackling some of the fun stuff. I’m talking stretch goals. I’m talking comic dubs.

Now, you can’t hear the comic dubs (yet!), but the recording is complete and we are working on putting it all together. I can provide a little taste of the work that goes into this, however. This is a voice sample of Mike Kovach (Rocky) doing an amazing job on the “Sophistry” Q&A comic (link here).

Of course there is collateral damage to such god-tier voice acting. Remember those who must make sacrifices for love…

Blessed be the partners and roommates of voice actors for the trials they must bear— Fable Siegel (@fablepaint) May 23, 2020
We also have a video uploaded celebrating three years of our Lackadaisy Discord! (The audio balancing is a little off, so be careful turning the volume up too high if you have headphones on—our mics were too powerful!)
Malcolm Ray as Nicodeme (
SungWon Cho as Mordecai (
Michael Kovach as Rocky (
Ashe Wagner as Mitzi (
On the art end of things, Newt has been working on the 3D shading for the Fordor. Cue the saxophones from Taxi Driver.
The other half of our amphibious duo, Frog, is setting up Mitzi’s office for us. Here’s a teaser:

As for character design, Tai has supplied us with sketches of the most serious man with the fluffiest face: Viktor Ladislav Vasko.

And just for funsies, Fable ran an art stream this week and drew the characters as CATS! That is, I mean… actual cats. With cat bodies.
Anyway, here’s some silly-bugger nonsense kitties.

Finally, I leave you with a Sepiatonic music video. This particular song is unrelated to the project–but it does slap hard.
If you did not know, Sepiatonic is doing the soundtrack for the Lackadaisy film, and our last (unmet) stretch goal is a music video featuring their music. If your wallets don’t have cartoonishly-timed moths flying out of them, please consider donating so we can meet our final goal.
- Any amount will grant you a link to the finished animated short!
- $10.00 and over also gets you the Lackadaisy Essentials ebook!
- $30.00 and over also gets you The Lackadaisy eBook Collection backer level!
- $60.00 and over also gets you The DIGITAL Lackadaisy Goodie Bag backer level!
And as always, thank you for your support. We aim to serve you, the fans, who have been so kind and supportive.
Abyssinia! :3