Hello and welcome to “Little Daisy Cafe”, the quaint little blog where absolutely nothing interesting is going on, nothing more interesting than bacon and eggs with a tall stack of pancakes anyway.
Absolutely nothing at all.
Well, so long as you don’t scroll down…
Yes that’s right, the long running webcomic about rumrunning felines propping up a dying speakeasy LACKADAISY is getting its own short film!

Following a campaign of development, pitches and meetings and general scrumming about Hollywood looking for interested patrons d’art, Tracy Butler and Fable Siegel (yours truly) decided the best case for making Lackadaisy an adult animated show would be to actually do it.
Namely by funding via Kickstarter, with the guidance of Spike Trotman of Iron Circus Comics at the helm of a month long hurricane of campaigning and outreach and interviews and lord knows what else we forgot about in the haze of rapid fire tweeting and posts.
And hey, it worked!

We successfully raised over 330k USD with nearly 6k backers, all special people we’re astounded and grateful towards for opening their wallets (especially lately, given the troubles) and handing some money over to a team of indie artists looking to make a big splash in animation and prove:
maybe people want this?
So, with all that funding, what are we doing with it?
Something like this:

And what is the schedule?
Something like that:

With time and budget secured, we’re looking to get as much bang for buck out of what we earned as possible. This should keep our little animation team stocked full of booze, cards, jazz, and weaponry for the entire year of production*
*booze, card, and weaponry of course referring to responsibly allocated funds to pay artists fairly. Jazz–however–is not a euphemism.
But what about that last tier?
“Oh but woah”, the imagined fans of beauteous band Sepiatonic may cry (picture in your head a fan, dabbing tears away with lacy handkerchiefs), “the funding for the music video I so very much wanted was not achieved. My dream of seeing an animated music video with Lackadaisy and electroswing combined can now never come true.”

Fear not, oh musically inclined audience. We have a plan!
The 20k we fell short on can still be achieved thanks to this handy link to a Paypal fund, used exclusively for the Lackadaisy Animated Project.
And you don’t get nothing for something! The following from our Kickstarter support levels are available to you:
- Any amount will grant you a link to the finished animated short!
- $10.00 and over also gets you the Lackadaisy Essentials ebook!
- $30.00 and over also gets you The Lackadaisy eBook Collection backer level!
- $60.00 and over also gets you The DIGITAL Lackadaisy Goodie Bag backer level!
Please note that donating to the Paypal can get you access to digital goods, but does not add to the Kickstarter total (only donating to the Kickstarter during the funding period did that).
And lastly, what everyone has been clamoring for:
Yes SHOTGLASSES! We managed to hit the Shotglass tier (and then some) so we’ve spent a fair amount of picking and pondering over how to present a quality drinking set to folks at a fair price.

Four gold foil square shot glasses at around 2 oz a piece, packed in a custom wooden crate that is filled with straw. A direct reference to the comic

This pack will retail at 25 USD (anticipated price), available first via Backerkit to our Kickstarter backers.
Once Backerkit orders are filled, spares will be available through The Lackadaisy and Iron Circus store.
Anyhow that is all that can be comfortably fit on an already length post. Stay tuned for more updates on the Lackadaisy: Animated Short Film
And we hope you enjoy those pancakes.