How to Get into the Lackadaisy Speakeasy
Happy February! The team’s been hard at work on episode 1. You can see some of their work down below. So, come on and head down to the Lackadaisy and have a look around!
First, make sure you dodge the cops (as Rocky demonstrates in this Patreon teaser animated by Endo and Al Densel Manapat and cleaned up by Olivia and Hyrika.
Next, head to the Little Daisy and let the jazzy sounds of Zib’s band lead you underground, by SmallBu.
You can find more extensive versions on Patreon. And if you’re a YouTube member, you can watch the full sequence for both here).
Make sure you bring your club pin! If you’re prone to forget, be sure to pen a reminder in your fancy Lackadaisy ledger.

Don’t have either one? You can find both and more at! Act now! We’re on the final day of our Valentine weekend sale! Hoodies are 15% off and plushies are $40!

Oh, that art gremlin in the corner? That’s just Tracy Butler working on her Backer and book bundle drawings. They may be in progress, but they look pretty good so far!

Remember to dress classy and strut your stuff! This is a Grade A gin joint we’re running here!
Oh, and if you missed the preview trailer for the Lackadaisy series, have a gander at this! Trust me. You don’t want to miss it!
Don’t forget to tip your bartender!
Abyssinia! :3